All Coast Dental

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Gum Abscesses

Are your gums red and swollen? Do you see blood when you spit toothpaste? If so, that’s common, but it’s not healthy. At All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach, we take gum disease very seriously, and want our patients to understand all of its signs and complications. We encourage you to see us for a cleaning soon if you’re experiencing gingivitis, because if left untreated, you could develop a gum abscess.

An abscess is a hollow space where pus accumulates. Pus is the mixture of bacteria, dead tissue, and acid that builds up as the result of an infection. When a person has gingivitis, which is the lesser form of gum disease, an abscess may develop near the gum line. This would be called a gingival abscess. By contrast, a periodontal abscess forms when a person has periodontitis, the more severe form of gum disease. When a gum infection is advanced, it will cause the walls of the gum pocket to loosen and recede from a tooth root. Pus could accumulate in this hollow space, leaving the patient not only in pain and with a persistent bad taste in their mouth, but also at risk of fever and jaw bone deterioration.

We can lance and drain the pus from an abscess, but to truly kill the infection, we’ll have to remove the dead tissue. X-rays will reveal whether a patient’s dental pulp is also infected, in which case they’ll need a root canal procedure. Once the infection is removed, we will smooth down the tooth’s root by a process called planing so it will be easier to clean at future appointments. Patients will also need to take antibiotics following treatment for an abscess to ensure the infection won’t return.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.


Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Denture Stomatitis

When people get dentures, they instantly experience a massive boost in their dental function, comfort, and self-confidence. But they will also have to make some adjustments to their oral hygiene in order to keep their new oral appliances in good working condition. We’ve assisted a lot of people with prosthetic teeth at All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach, and to further our patients’ oral hygiene aims, we wanted to discuss denture stomatitis.

Yeast infections, known as stomatitis, are caused by species of fungus called Candida. Although they are normally present in the mouth, saliva contains enzymes that breaks them down and keep their population under control. When a person is suffering from dry mouth, yeast may develop into large enough colonies to cause red sores, which often may be found on the roofs of the mouths of people who wear dentures. It seems that the soft plastic of the denture covering the upper palate prevents saliva from reaching that area. Yeast infections may also develop on the undersides of dentures, where they rest on the gums.

For most people, yeast infections can be avoided by brushing the mouth and the denture twice a day. We recommend brushing the gums before inserting the denture in order to increase their bloodflow. Using a separate toothbrush for the denture ensures it won’t be scratched by fluoridated toothpaste, which is more appropriate for natural teeth. Stomatitis often isn’t painful at first, so patients will have to regularly examine themselves for it.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.


Thursday, December 12, 2019

Tooth Extraction Site Preservation

Sometimes pulling teeth is a necessary procedure for overcrowding in the mouth or infection due to tooth decay. It isn’t a procedure to be taken lightly. Like wisdom teeth removal where they are located in the back of the mouth and sutures are used, the tooth extraction site essentially becomes an open wound, one that needs to be monitored and given time to heal. We at All Coast Dental understand that getting a tooth pulled isn’t very fun, but we are committed to making the procedure and healing process as comfortable as we can for our patients. 

If you ever think your healing process doesn’t feel normal, you should contact your Pacific, CA dentist. Signs of complications include:

- Cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain

- Severe nausea or vomiting

- Redness, swelling, or excessive discharge from the extraction site

- Signs of infection, such as fever and chills

Something else to keep in mind when removing teeth is what to do with that open space once it has healed. If a tooth is removed and nothing is done to the extraction site, your jaw bone will degenerate and change shape while the site heals. This can create problems in your bite and may affect chewing and speaking. Make sure you and your dentist come up with a plan to fill this space.

All Coast Dental is located at 2180 Garnet Ave., Suite 1-K, in Pacific, CA 92109. For more information about nightguards or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 858-270-4904.


Thursday, December 5, 2019


Nightguards are placed in the mouth to act as a “cushion” during sleep to prevent someone from grinding or gnashing their teeth together. Some people actually do this during the day as well. Grinding your teeth, also known as bruxism, damages enamel, wears down teeth, causes jaw pain, and irritates gums. If you think you are grinding your teeth, we at All Coast Dental in Pacific can help.

Severe teeth grinding can lead to tension-type headaches and disorders in the temporomandibular joints (TMJs), where a clicking noise is heard when you open and close your mouth. Teeth grinding has also been seen in quite a few children. According to WebMD, “approximately 15% to 33% of children grind their teeth.” The first step to preventing teeth grinding is to determine what is causing it. Sometimes a nightguard or change in lifestyle is all you need to prevent it.

There are several factors that increase the chances of grinding your teeth:

- Stress and anxiety

- Age (though common in children, bruxism goes away by adulthood)

- Aggressive or competitive personality type

- Psychiatric medications

- Smoking tobacco

- Consuming caffeine or alcohol

- Family history of teeth grinding

- Other disorders such as Parkinson's, dementia, gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD), epilepsy, night terrors, sleep apnea, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

All Coast Dental is located at 2180 Garnet Ave., Suite 1-K, in Pacific, CA 92109. For more information about nightguards or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 858-270-4904.


Thursday, November 28, 2019

Digital X-Rays

The advancements in dental technology have now made it easier for dentists to deliver efficient care and diagnoses to their patients. One such advancement is digital x-rays, which are becoming a staple in dental practices all over the country. We at All Coast Dental are always looking to stay up to date with the latest technology, products, and treatments. Digital x-rays allow us to look more closely at your teeth than we ever have before!

A digital x-ray takes an image of your teeth and puts it into an imaging program. With special tools exclusive to this imaging program, your dedicated California dentist can take a closer look at your teeth with impeccable accuracy. Digital x-rays emit eighty percent less radiation than a standard x-ray since they are actually sensitive to radiation. This is a great benefit to the patient since the patient is exposed to less radiation. Digital x-rays can be classified as intraoral (inside the mouth) or extraoral (outside the mouth), though intraoral x-rays are the most commonly taken.

Intraoral x-rays allow your us to:

- Observe the status of developing teeth

- Monitor tooth health

- Look at the tooth roots

- Find cavities

- Check the health of the bony area around the tooth

- Determine if there are signs of periodontal disease

All Coast Dental is located at 2180 Garnet Ave., Suite 1-K, in Pacific, CA 92109. For more information about digital x-rays or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 858-270-4904.


Thursday, November 14, 2019

Use of Retainers

Do you have misaligned teeth that are making you self-conscious? Is it hard to floss because a few teeth are out of place? If so, you may be a good candidate for ClearCorrect orthodontic therapy. At All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach, we use this brand of aligners to help patients achieve perfect smiles. But to get the full benefit of orthodontic therapy, patients need to ensure their teeth stay in place.

One of the most common questions orthodontic patients have is how long they will need to wear their retainer for. The answer is usually going to be for life. Typically, an orthodontic patient would wear their retainer at day and night for a period of time as long as they were undergoing the active part of the therapy. After that, they would transition to only wearing the retainer at night. If they stop wearing it, their teeth may start migrating again. Many people who wear ClearCorrect or other invisible aligners had orthodontic braces as children, but their teeth have since shifted enough to be noticeable. What’s especially convenient about ClearCorrect is that the final aligner doubles as the retainer, so patients will be used to cleaning it and still won’t have any metal in their mouths. As always, the aligner should only be put in after the patient has brushed and flossed, and should be replaced by a dental professional if it breaks or melts.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.


Thursday, November 7, 2019

Can People with Diabetes get Implants?

This National Diabetes Awareness Month, we at All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach wanted to address the impact diabetes has on oral health. People with diabetes have a more difficult time fighting off infections, which puts them at greater risk of developing gum disease and tooth decay. Consequently, their risk of losing a tooth is elevated. However, recent assessments of scientific research have shown that many diabetic patients can be good candidates for endosteal dental implants, allowing them to regain their bite function.

There are a few important reasons why patients with diabetes need extra attention when getting implants. Placing an implant requires that an incision be made in the gum tissue. People with diabetes take longer to recover from incisions than people without, but the evidence shows that they nearly always recover fully. Another issue is that an implant’s stability can be adversely affected by the gum tissue surrounding it becoming inflamed, and people with diabetes get gum inflammation at higher rates. But the same study found that when their blood sugar is well-controlled, diabetic people’s implants survive at the same rate as those in other people for the first six years.

People with diabetes are at slightly greater risk for implant failure over multiple decades, but this risk can be mitigated through proper oral hygiene. We encourage everybody, but especially people with diabetes, to be attentive to signs of gum disease such as redness and bleeding, and to schedule a cleaning with us right away if they see something troubling. With care, diabetic people can enjoy good oral health throughout life.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.


Friday, November 1, 2019

Panorex Imaging

As a dental office that provides patients with a full range of care options, we at All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach use the latest technology. Monitoring the eruption of wisdom teeth, the integration of an implant, and the health of the jaw bone all require rigorous x-rays. We use the Panorex, a device that provides a panoramic view of the patient’s mouth, allowing us to provide a superior quality of service.

A patient does not need to prepare for examination with a Panorex anymore than they would for a traditional x-ray. They will simply remove jewelry and other objects and then bite down on the plastic bite stopper on the Panorex machine. (The device may be lowered or raised to match a patient’s height.) Panels will then descend and rotate around the patient’s head while the x-rays are emitted. The whole process takes less than twenty seconds.

Images produced by the Panorex are highly detailed. Although they do not show soft tissues well, they allow us to more accurately predict tooth migration and detect changes in the vertical dimension of a patient’s jaw bone. They are commonly used for planning complex extractions and implant placement. They also subject the patient to fewer x-rays than traditional x-ray photographs and don’t require patients to hold film in their mouths.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Retained Baby Teeth

Your child is probably excited to get visits from the Tooth Fairy and their grown-up teeth. But what happens when the baby teeth stay put? As dentists who accept patients of all ages, we at All Coast Dental are familiar with oral issues that tend to emerge in childhood. Retaining baby teeth is a serious problem, but one we are well-suited to treat.

Baby teeth are scientifically known as “deciduous teeth.” They usually fall out because the emergence of the adult tooth causes the baby tooth’s root to dissolve. This may not happen when the adult tooth is coming in at the wrong angle or never develops. If the adult tooth and its deciduous equivalent are both present, the teeth are likely to be jumbled and difficult to clean. The presence of a baby tooth without its adult version can also cause bite problems.

Extracting baby teeth is usually a simple matter. Once they’re out, the patient may be referred for orthodontic therapy to correct bite issues. If the adult tooth never developed, an orthodontist might space the patient’s teeth apart to make room for an implant or partial denture.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.


Friday, October 11, 2019

Incipient Lesions

Do you ever notice that there are white spots on your teeth? Usually, they quickly disappear, but when they linger, they are a sign of a developing dental infection. We at All Coast Dental highly value prevention, so we want our patients to understand how white spot lesions work and why it’s so important to take them seriously.

White spot lesions are called “incipient lesions” because a glazed, white appearance is enamel’s initial response to being demineralized. When enamel is exposed to the acid produced by oral bacteria, there will be a period after it starts losing minerals but before it loses enough mass to form a cavity. This is when the white spot appears. It only takes about thirty days for a white spot to become a cavity, but after an infection is halted, the white spot may linger as a chalky-looking scar.

Incipient lesions can be halted through better brushing, but they usually appear in places such as around orthodontic brackets where the patient has trouble reaching. That’s why orthodontic patients need to master the use of Christmas tree toothbrushes and why people generally should keep a close eye on the bottoms and sides of their teeth, where tartar forms. We can determine whether a white spot still has an active infection, and if the scar lingers, we can discuss cosmetic solutions such as bonding.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.


Thursday, October 3, 2019

Causes of Bad Breath

Bad breath isn’t just unpleasant; it’s a sign of how your oral health is doing. Tooth decay, acid reflux, and other issues associated with gingivitis can all result in foul odors. We at All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach want our patients to be able to recognize the what might be causing halitosis so they can treat it properly or seek our help.

As bacteria consume food particles and metabolize them, they secrete acid as a waste product. The acid gets stuck in the biological film on teeth, creating plaque, and eventually hardening into tartar. There, it causes tooth decay and gum recession and emits a foul odor. Bacteria may also heavily colonize the papillae of the tongue, particularly when the back of the tongue is coated in nasal discharge for the bacteria to feed on. When a patient is suffering from dry mouth, saliva isn’t depriving bacteria of a food source by washing away debris, allowing the bacteria to grow more rapidly.

Bad breath can also be caused by regurgitated stomach acid or by disorders such as diabetes that compromise the immune system. These would weaken the mouth’s defenses against odor-emitting bacteria. To reduce bad breath, patients should use tongue scrapers daily and brush their teeth thoroughly twice a day. They can also reduce their risk of acid reflux by not eating or drinking alcohol before bed.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.


Thursday, September 19, 2019

Dental Phobia

Our doctors at All Costal Dental want our patients to feel comfortable when they visit. Going to the dentist can be an overwhelming and uncomfortable experience. Maintaining good oral hygiene includes visiting us twice a year for a cleaning and a checkup. With estimated 9% to 15% of people suffering from dental phobia, is it important for you to be able to cope with your dental fears.

Patients who suffer from dental phobia have a greater chance of developing gum disease and tooth decay. Some signs that you might have dental phobia include tense or nervousness, sleepless nights before the dentist, and the thought of the dentist makes you feel sick.

We encourage our patients to ask us questions before your appointment so we can make you feel more comfortable. Your concerns are our number one priority and we are happy to discuss what can help to ease your fears.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, please call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Mouthguards for Sports

Mouth guards are designed to prevent structural damage to your teeth and jaw during contact sports. Our doctors at All Coast Dental encourages our patients who play contact sports to wear mouth guards. Studies have shown mouth guards to decrease the risk of concussions and increase your safety while playing sports.

There are a couple of ways you can purchase mouth guards for yourself or your children. Most sporting goods stores sell mouth guards but they don’t fit custom to your mouth. These mouth guards are generally one size fits all or on a small, medium, or large scale.

We advise our patients who are considering a mouth guard to make an appointment with your dentist. Custom mouth guards are the most comfortable and offer the most protection for your mouth. Custom mouth guards will allow you to breathe easy and talk with no restrictions.

Don’t forget to make an appointment with your dentist for your custom mouth guard. Protecting your teeth during sports is essential to your oral health.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, please call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Teeth Whitening

Keeping your teeth white can be more difficult than it seems. With so many acidic drinks and foods that can stain your teeth, it’s nearly impossible to have perfectly white teeth. At All Coastal Dental, we offer teeth whitening and bleaching services to get your teeth whiter than you ever imagined.

Teeth whitening is a two-step process that starts with making an impression of your teeth into a custom whitening tray that is reusable. After your custom whitening tray is made, you will put the whitening gel in for a few days and see results you never thought possible.

Teeth whitening can be sensitive for some patients which but is effective for most people. If you want to get your teeth whitened we advise you to schedule an appointment at our office.

The results of our teeth whitening varies by the patient but our system is designed to make your teeth 4-8 shades whiter.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, please call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Your wisdom teeth are the final set of molars that emerge in the back of your mouth. When wisdom teeth emerge, they will either come in naturally or crowd your gums. If your wisdom teeth protrude your gums, they need to be extracted at your local dentist. At All Costal Dental, we can tell you if your wisdom teeth need to be removed through routine x-rays.

In most cases, wisdom teeth will grow in on an angle which can cause crowding for your teeth and possible damage to your jawbone or nerves. Wisdom teeth that develop that only partially impact your gums increases the chance for bacteria to build which leads to more cavities and gum disease.

If your wisdom teeth are causing you pain or there appears to be an infection, please give us a call. We. The earlier you remove your wisdom teeth, the less chance your teeth will shift and cause further problems.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, please call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Sensitivity to Cold

Teeth may be sensitive for all sorts of reasons, but if you frequently feel sharp pains after ingesting something cold, you may be suffering from enamel erosion. We at All Coast Dental hope that our patients’ teeth are in good health and serving them well. If you dread a cold glass of water or biting into a Popsicle, read on.

The outer layer of a dental crown is made of enamel. It is the hardest substance in the human body, being made up mostly of minerals, but is unable to regenerate lost material. Below the gum line, the outer layer of a tooth is made of a substance called cementum. It is sticky but thin and provides little insulation. The middle layer of a tooth is made of dentin, a yellow-brown porous substance made up of mini tubules that lead to the dental pulp. The pulp is made up of blood vessels, connective tissue, and nerves, and heat is easily transferred out of it through dentin when a tooth is not sufficiently insulated, resulting in a shooting pain.

If a tooth is only sensitive when it comes into contact with something cold, the problem is likely thin enamel or recession of gum tissue around the root. These can be caused by oral bacteria secreting acid, or possibly from acid reflux. Brushing and flossing are crucial to preventing acidic erosion. A patient may also need a night guard to stop themselves from damaging their enamel by grinding their teeth in their sleep. We can help patients to obtain custom-fitted oral appliances and provide remineralization therapy for enamel that is in the process of eroding. Patients may also want to switch to extra-fluoridated toothpaste.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.


Thursday, July 18, 2019

Dental Avulsion

July 15-21 is National Youth Sports Week, and we at All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach want to do our part to inform families about what to do in a dental emergency. It may be possible for us to save a permanent tooth that gets knocked out, but only if patients know the right protocol.

We use the term “dental avulsion” to describe when a tooth gets knocked out of its socket. Every first aid kit should contain one of the American Dental Association’s approved emergency tooth containers. The tooth should be lifted by its crown, not its root, rinsed in a saline solution, and placed in the container. If no container is available, the next best option is to place it back in its socket. If that’s too painful, the tooth may be held in the cheek or moved in a jar of milk or saltwater, but remember that open wounds on the face should take priority over saving a tooth.

It is important to note that only permanent teeth can be replanted. A replanted baby tooth could prevent its permanent counterpart from emerging later. If a baby tooth does get knocked out, we may recommend that an orthodontic spacer be used to keep the gap open until a permanent tooth emerges. If a tooth does prove too damaged to save, we can replace it with a partial denture or fixed crown, but if your children wear mouthguards, it is much less likely you will have to make that choice.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.


Friday, July 12, 2019


Dentists commonly recommend the removal of wisdom teeth. While our goal at All Coast Dental is to preserve a patient’s natural teeth whenever possible, we recognize that wisdom teeth sometimes cause particular complications. Among these is an increased risk of pericoronitis, inflammation around a dental crown.

Wisdom teeth are the largest teeth and the last to erupt. They often push through in the late teen years, after the patient’s jaws have solidified and the rest of their teeth are no longer as mobile. Consequently, wisdom teeth tend to get stuck. A tooth that is unable to push fully through the gum line is called “impacted” and wisdom teeth tend to get stuck half-emerged. They are often partially covered by a flap of gum tissue, called an operculum, that becomes a trap for food debris, resulting in pericoronitis.

Although a pericoronitis infection may be cleaned, it will likely recur. An operculum can be cut away, but as long as the impacted tooth remains, it will contribute to misalignment problems and be difficult to brush. We offer safe, efficient extractions and will carefully monitor pediatric patients to determine whether their wisdom teeth will become problems.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.


Thursday, July 11, 2019

Alzheimer's Disease and Gum Infections

If you want to protect yourself from Alzheimer’s disease, one of the most important things you can do is brush and floss. That’s the conclusion that’s emerging from new research into the connection between oral bacteria and the formation of plaque on the brain’s neurons. We’ve always been interested in the overall health implications of periodontal disease at All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach. We want our patients to have a fuller understanding of what gum disease does, too.

There are several species of bacteria that contribute to tooth decay and gum disease, but one called Porphyromonas gingivalis, is especially interesting to researchers. P. gingivalis produce enzymes called gingipains to defend themselves against white blood cells. Although gingipains are common, they are found at elevated levels in the brains and spinal fluid of people who displayed symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. They also trigger the production of neural plaque and can travel to the brain in animals.

Another study, released just a few months ago, proved that P. gingivalis travels between the mouth and the brain in living human test subjects. Although gum disease is probably not the only causative factor in Alzheimer’s disease, we can confidently say it plays a major part. Patients should take care to brush and floss twice a day. If they are still experiencing gingivitis, we can provide them with a deep cleaning.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.


Thursday, June 20, 2019

What Are Canker Sores?

They’re some of the most dreaded and feared mouth-related problems: Canker Sores. These are small yellow or white sores that appear on your lips and gums. They can make it hard to go about your everyday life, including eating, speaking, and drinking. Drs. Joseph and Julie Boulos of All Coast Dental have put together a guide for treating canker sores. Learn more by contacting our office in Pacific Beach, CA.


Before we discuss treatment, it’s important to understand what exactly canker sores are. They come in three types: herpetiform, minor, and major. Minor sores are small, healing between a week or two. Major is extensively bigger. These take up to six weeks to heal. Herpetiform come in clusters of ten to one hundred. They are tiny, about the size of a pinprick. It’s important to visit your Pacific Beach dentist if this is your first time experiencing a canker sore. Severe or recurring sores should also be checked out by a medical professional.


Many patients find relief in home remedies or holistic treatments. With all injuries, applying ice to the corresponding area of the face reduces swelling. You can also try placing a wet tea bag on the sore. Of course, you can’t go wrong with salt water or a baking soda rinse. Combine a mixture of water and either substance. Swish that around your mouth for one to two minutes. Nutritional deficiencies may cause outbreaks. Your diet should include foods that are rich in iron and B vitamins.


Over-the-counter treatments yield positive results. Most grocery stores or supermarkets sell a variety of canker sore treatments. Many offer numbing agents that contain Benzocaine. Dabbing a small amount of the gel on the sore provides temporary relief. Canker sore patches create a gel-based barrier on top of it. Invest in some antibacterial mouthwashes that target canker sores. These clean the ulcer while soothing it.


Schedule an appointment at All Coast Dental if you or a loved one are struggling with canker sores. Drs. Joseph and Julie Boulos are here to help. Our office is located in Pacific Beach, CA. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call 858-270-4904.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Dry Mouth Treatment

Does your mouth or throat feel dry all the time? Do you always feel thirsty, no matter how much you drink? Is it impossible to eat, speak, or even chew? If any of these symptoms ring a bell, schedule an appointment with All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach, CA. You might be experiencing a condition known as Dry Mouth or Xerostomia. Drs. Joseph and Julie Boulos can help you get the treatment you need.


Saliva is needed for eating and speaking. It keeps your mouth clean and free of bacteria. Besides a lower quality of life, a salivary shortage leads to extensive dental issues like plaque and decay. Your Pacific Beach dentists need to determine the cause before they can treat you. Discuss any medications that you take daily or frequently. There are over five-hundred medications that cause dry mouth. Even something as simple as allergy medication may be at fault. Autoimmune disorders, like Sjögren's syndrome, results in dryness. This systematic disease attacks your salivary glands. Other medical treatments may be at blame. Chemotherapy or cancer treatments create such side effects. Not only is smoking bad for your health, but it’ll dry out your mouth too.


Treatments vary greatly from patient to patient. It all depends on the root of your dryness. Eliminating sugary foods and drinks reduces symptoms. Sugar naturally dries out the mouth. This means cutting back or even avoiding drinks like tea, coffee, soda, and alcohol. Meet with your doctor to discuss alternative medications. Increase your water intake exponentially as well. This should help moisten your mouth. Most stores sell over-the-counter dry mouth treatments. There are dry mouth gels for symptom relief, along with certain brands of toothpaste and mouthwash.


Don’t wait to reach out when experiencing dry mouth. All Coast Dental is here to help. Contact our office in Pacific Beach, CA. To schedule an appointment with Drs. Joseph or Julie Boulos, visit our website or call 858-270-4904.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Choosing the Right Toothbrush

When it comes to your dental health, every decision is important. Even the ones that may not seem like it. Take your toothbrush, for example. Picking a toothbrush that’s either too large or too small makes it nearly impossible to use. Same goes for the hardness of the bristles. That’s why Drs. Joseph and Julie Boulos of All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach have provided this toothbrush guide.


The majority of dentists agree that soft-bristled toothbrushes are the best. Your Pacific Beach dentists are no exception. Continually using a harder bristled brush can actually do more harm than good. It can irritate the gums, affect the enamel, and cause teeth sensitivity. Soft-bristled toothbrushes are perfect for removing plaque and food debris.


Try to find a toothbrush head that works best with your teeth. It’s important that bristles are large enough to clean all teeth surfaces. The smaller the head, the easier it can maneuver around your mouth. Make sure you can comfortably reach your back molars.


Electric or powered toothbrushes are just as good if not better than manual toothbrushes. They provide an even and thorough level of brushing. If you struggle to reach certain areas of your teeth or brush the whole two minutes, an electric toothbrush can curve your bad habits.


Remember to replace your toothbrush every 3 months. Do so sooner if the bristles begin to deteriorate. Also, invest in a new toothbrush after you’ve recovered from a cold or illness. Bacteria can linger within the bristles.


All Coast Dental is located in Pacific Beach, CA. To schedule an appointment with Drs. Joseph Boulos and Julie Boulos, visit our website or call 858-270-4904.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Tongue Cleaners

When people engage in their dental routines, they often focus on the teeth and gums. Yet the tongue is just as important to your oral health. That’s why Drs. Joseph and Julie Boulos recommend tongue scrapers/cleaners. These small dental appliances are sold at most grocery stores. They scrape residue and bacteria off your tongue, removing bad breath and coatings. To learn more about them, contact All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach, CA.


Start off by removing the tongue scraper from its packaging. Place it at the back of the tongue and move it slowly forward. After each movement, rinse off the scraper and your mouth with water. Do this as many times as necessary. Coated tongues are caused by dry mouth, yeast infections, smoking, medications, and poor dental health. The coating itself consists of layers of dead cells and bacteria. Using the cleaner gets rid of these detrimental substances.


There are many documented benefits to using a tongue cleaner. The biggest is an improvement in your breath. It’s also shown to heighten your sense of taste. Overall, it leads to a cleaner and healthier mouth.


Use your tongue scraper with caution. Do not go so far back on your tongue that you gag. Don’t apply too much pressure, especially in certain areas. You can cut the surface of your tongue if you aren’t paying attention.


To learn about tongue cleaners and your dental health, contact All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach, CA. To schedule an appointment with Drs. Joseph and Julie Boulos, visit our website or call 858-270-4904.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

The Benefits of Mouthwash

Mouthwash is often the most underused but important aspect of your dental health routine. It isn’t a replacement for brushing or flossing, but a useful additive to your oral health. Certain areas of your mouth can’t be reached with brushes and floss. Mouthwash is the solution. It neutralizes the bacteria, keeping your mouth fresh. Drs. Joseph and Julie Boulos recommend mouthwash to their patients in Pacific Beach, CA.


Two types of mouthwash are available, cosmetic and therapeutic. Cosmetic is best for just treating bad breath. Therapeutic focuses on controlling gingivitis, plaque, and tooth decay. There are many different types of therapeutic mouthwash. Each one has specific benefits. It may seem overwhelming, but your Pacific Beach dentists can offer guidance.


Your mouthwash container comes with specific instructions. Here are some general steps to follow:


-Read the instructions and pour the specific amount into your mouth.

-With your mouth closed, swish it around your mouth. Do so for the recommended amount of time on the label.

-Spit, never swallow the mouthwash! It contains certain substances, like fluoride, which can be detrimental in large doses.

-Avoid drinking or eating for at least thirty minutes afterward.


Here are a few general tips for purchasing a mouthwash. If you have a sensitive mouth, pay close attention to the ingredients. Invest in a sensitive mouthwash. There are also alcohol-free and natural types available. There are even mouthwashes that help you prevent plaque and tartar.


Prevention is the key to a healthy life. Mouthwash is just one step in the right direction. To learn more about keeping a clean mouth, contact All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach, CA. To schedule an appointment with Drs. Joseph and Julie Boulos, visit our website or call 858-270-4904.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Dental Crowns

As we age our teeth naturally begin to lose their lackluster. They begin to weaken, and as a result, teeth can crack, decay, and become discolored. Dental crowns are the solution, restoring the functionality and appearance of your teeth. Drs. Julie Boulos DDS and Joseph Boulos DDS of All Coast Dental offer dental crowns to our patients.


Crowns can be made from a variety of materials. The most common are porcelain, porcelain fused to metal, and full gold. The recommended option is porcelain. It is the strongest and the most natural looking. It blends in well with your other natural teeth. Dental crowns can last ten to fifteen years, especially when made from porcelain.


The complete process for dental crowns takes between 2-3 appointments with Drs. Boulos. At your first appointment, a local anesthetic will be applied to the afflicted tooth. Any decayed material will be removed and then the tooth will be reshaped. A mold or impression will then be taken of the tooth. This impression is sent to a dental laboratory to create your customized dental crown. It will take between 2-3 weeks for your permanent crown to be completed. In the meantime, you’ll receive a temporary crown.


At your final appointment, the local anesthetic will be reapplied to the area. The temporary crown will be removed. We will check to make sure that the crown fits properly. If so, it will be permanently bonded to your teeth with cement.


To learn more about our dental crown or other services, contact All Coast Dental today. We are located in Pacific Beach, CA. To schedule an appointment with Drs. Julie Boulos DDS or Joseph Boulos DDS, visit our website or call 858-270-4904.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Dental Appointments For Seniors

As we grow older, our teeth naturally begin to weaken, just like any other bone in the human body. Which is why it's important to make sure our teeth can last a lifetime. Practicing good oral hygiene is critical to your health, regardless of age. That’s why it's important that senior citizens have their bi-annual checkups. Whether you have all of your natural teeth, dentures, or partials, Drs. Julie Boulos DDS and Joseph Boulos DDS of All Coast Dental are here to help.


For senior patients, we discuss your health history and perform a thorough examination of your mouth at your appointment. During the exam, we will check your face and neck, bite, jaw, lymph nodes, salivary glands, inner cheeks and the inside of your oral cavity. This may seem excessive, but it's only because your health is a high priority when you grow older. It’s important that we check for any sign of infection or oral cancer symptoms. Prevention and early detection are the keys to fighting cancer. If you wear or have dentures, you can also address any problems you might be having with them. We will examine them to make sure that they fit and are functioning correctly.


Remember to practice good dental hygiene daily. Make sure to brush twice a day for at least two minutes each. Flossing once a day is important as well. If you have problems maintaining a routine, talk to us about different options. We can provide you with recommendations for different products and techniques.


All Coast Dental is located in Pacific Beach, CA. To schedule an appointment with Drs. Julie Boulos DDS and Joseph Boulos DDS, visit our website or call 858-270-4904.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Proper Flossing Technique

When you come in for your bi-annual checkups, Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos DDS can tell if you haven’t been flossing daily. There are many reasons why people don’t floss, but the biggest issue is that most never learned to floss properly. That’s why our staff here at All Coast Dental are going to outline proper flossing technique, along with a few tips.


The biggest mistake you can make it not flossing daily. Flossing is just as important as brushing. Only through flossing can you clean and reach certain areas of your mouth. Just integrating flossing once a day can make a world of a difference in your dental health.


It’s not difficult to correct your flossing behavior. The first step is making sure you have enough floss. Take out about 18 inches of floss from the package. Tie one end around each of your middle fingers. With one finger, twirl the floss towards it to cycle out the dirty floss. The other finger will cycle in the clean floss. Next, hold the floss firm and guide it between your teeth. Try not to snap the floss in. This will just hurt you. Wrap the floss around one of the two teeth in a “C” shape. Move the floss up and down in a rubbing motion. Repeat for all of your teeth.


If you have problems reaching tighter areas of your mouth, there are various solutions. The majority of grocery stores and supermarkets sell handheld flossing applicators. These small devices can be used to reach the tight or back areas of your mouth. For tight gaps between teeth, floss comes in a variety of thicknesses. Buying a thinner floss or a floss made of a different material can help.


All Coast Dental is located in Pacific Beach, CA. To schedule an appointment with Drs. Julie Boulos DDS and Joseph Boulos DDS, visit our website or call 858-270-4904.


Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Inlays/onlays are a cosmetic procedure that is often thought of as being partial crowns. They restore shape and function to the tooth. Drs. Joseph Boulos and Julie Boulos offer inlays/onlays at All Coast Dental, located in Pacific Beach, CA. After the procedure, your teeth will look and act exactly as you’ve always wanted them to.


Inlays/onlays are largely focused on not just restoring your tooths appearance but also its purpose. The functionality of the tooth is restored and strengthened by inlays/onlays. They also prevent further damage to the teeth.


The difference between the two depends on the severity of the decay. When your tooth is largely intact, specifically the cusps, then an inlay is needed. It can be directly placed onto the tooth. This is not the case with extreme decay. When damage is extensive, an onlay will extend onto the chewing surface to replace any damaged cusps.


The entire procedure takes two or three appointments with Drs. Boulos. Before the inlays/onlays are placed the decayed tissue must be removed. An impression will be made after. A dental laboratory will use this impression to create the inlay/onlay. This guarantees that it will fit both in shape and appearance to your teeth. The laboratory will take between two to three weeks to complete your restorative device. A temporary inlay/onlay will be given while you wait. You will receive your permanent restorative device at your final appointment.


Drs. Joseph Boulos and Julie Boulos are available by appointment at All Coast Dental. We are located in Pacific Beach, CA. To schedule your appointment, visit our website or call 858-270-4904.



Wednesday, April 10, 2019


Dental veneers are a way for you to reshape your smile. At All Coast Dental, Drs. Joseph Boulos and Julie Boulos want you to have a smile that you can be proud of. Dental veneers are the answer. They are thin durable porcelain shells that go over your natural teeth. They can correct any kind of dental issue. If you experience stained, cracked, chipped, broken, or gapped teeth, veneers are the solution.


It will take between 2-3 appointments with Drs. Boulos for the entire veneer process. The first appointment is more of a consultation. This is when you and Drs. Boulos can decide on what you want your veneers to look like. The more you know the easier it will be to communicate it to us. That's why it is recommended that you do some individual research beforehand. There are many iterations of veneers available. Two major choices are needed for your veneers: shape and color. Shape refers to your veneers being rounded or square in appearance. Many patients believe that rounded is more feminine while the square is more masculine. This is not true. Either shape is available to patients regardless of gender. Color is the shading of the veneers. They are offered in natural all the way to Hollywood levels of brightness.


After you’ve decided, the next step in the process can take place. We will clean your teeth in preparation for the veneers. Then we will take an impression or mold of your teeth. A dental laboratory is used to create your veneers. They will receive your teeth impression and custom create them. The entire process takes between 10-14 days. You will have temporary veneers while you wait. At your final appointment, the veneers will be bonded to your teeth.


If you are interested in learning more about dental veneers, or our other cosmetic services, contact All Coast Dental today. We are located in Pacific Beach, CA. To schedule an appointment with Drs. Julie Boulos and Joseph Boulos, visit our website or call 858-270-4904.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Oral Cancer Awareness Month

This April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month here at All Coast Dental. Drs. Julie Boulos and Joseph Boulos want our patients to be healthy and thriving. That’s why we encourage being proactive about your oral health. Besides your bi-annual visits, prevention is the key to staying healthy. If you experience any strange or unusual mouth symptoms, make your appointment today.


Book an appointment with Drs. Boulos when experiencing anything unusual in your mouth that doesn't clear up within two to three weeks. This can be an indicator of something serious, especially if the problem is reoccurring. Be on the lookup for these symptoms:


Sores that don’t heal within 14 days, odd coloring of the soft tissue, abnormalities that bleed easily, bumps or hard spots in the mouth, a lump on the outside of the neck that has been present for at least two weeks.


Symptoms may vary when it comes to HPV-caused oropharyngeal cancer. A patient might experience hoarseness or a sore throat, constant coughing, lump on the neck, problems swallowing, or an ache in one or both ears.


There are many risk factors for oral cancers. These include heavy drinking and smoking, along with HPV16 or the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus 16.


Do not wait to book an appointment this April. Your health might depend on it. Drs. Julie Boulos and Joseph Boulos are located at All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach, CA. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call 858-270-4904.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Root Canals

Drs. Julie Boulos and Joesph Boulos offer endodontic services at All Coast Dental, located in Pacific Beach, CA. Endodontic refers to the nerves or roots of the teeth. The most common of these endodontic procedures is the root canal. Tooth infections are often located in the roots. A root canal allows Drs. Boulos access to the root, allowing them to remove infected materials.


At the start of the procedure, a local anesthetic is applied to the tooth. This will keep the area numb, making it as painless as possible. Drs. Boulos will drill into the tooth to reveal the root canal. The infected roots will be removed and sanitized. The entire area will be cleaned out. After, the opened space is filled with a sealant. In most cases, a dental crown is placed after. Dental crowns provide a higher chance of a successful recovery.


Don’t be alarmed if you experience pain and soreness following the procedure. This is completely natural. Take over-the-counter pain relievers as directed. If your pain is severe, contact our office. In certain cases Drs. Boulos will prescribe stronger medication. Try to avoid physical activity while healing. With modern day technology and procedures, there are little to no complications or pain involved with root canals. Remember to follow the post-operative instructions given by Drs. Boulos.


Once you’re completely healed, you will be able to enjoy all food and beverages without pain or sensitivity. If you or someone you know is in need of a root canal, don't wait to make an appointment. A tooth infection, when left untreated, can have deadly consequences.


All Coast Dental is located in Pacific Beach, CA. To schedule an appointment with Drs. Julie Boulos and Joseph Boulos, visit our website or call 858-270-4904.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Occlusal Adjustment

Do you wake up in the morning with a sore jaw? When you bite down, do your teeth feel lopsided or off? If yes, then you may need an occlusal adjustment.

At All Coast Dental, Dr. Julie Boulos, D.D.S. and Dr. Joseph Boulos, D.D.S. will determine if you’re a good candidate for an occlusal adjustment. This adjustment corrects the alignment of your bite. Misalignment can occur from loose, shifting, crowded, or missing teeth. The adjustment is virtually painless, with just a small amount of discomfort.

At your appointment Drs. Boulos will use imaging technology to locate the areas that need adjustment. Once these areas are recognized, Drs. Boulos use a dental drill and removable mouthpieces to correct the alignment.

If left untreated, a misalignment can lead to serious health effects. Patients who clench or grind their teeth end up wearing down their enamel. This can expose the dentin, and give way to bacteria. Your temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, connects your lower jaw to the base of your skull. Overexertion of this joint can lead to temporomandibular disorder or TMD. Acute and chronic pain arising from TMD, along with problems eating and speaking, pain when opening your mouth, etc. If you suspect you may need an occlusal adjustment, schedule an appointment.

All Coast Dental is located in Pacific Beach, CA. Dr. Julie Boulos, D.D.S. and Dr. Joseph Boulos, D.D.S. can assist with any dental needs. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or call 858-270-4904.


Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)

TMJ is the acronym for the temporomandibular joint, which connects your lower jaw to your skull at the temporal bone. The TMJ is necessary for tasks such as eating and speaking. At All Coast Dental, Drs. Julie Boulos, D.D.S. and Joseph Boulos, D.D.S. can provide a thorough examination of your TMJ. If your chewing muscles or the joint itself are causing you pain, you may have a temporomandibular disorder or TMD.

Common symptoms of TMD are:

  • Pain when opening or closing the mouth 

  • Problems chewing

  • Jaw sticking open or shut

  • Ear pain and headaches

  • Clicking or popping when opening your mouth

  • Teeth grinding (bruxism)

Because these symptoms are often associated with other health problems, only a medical professional such as Drs. Boulos can give you an exact diagnosis. Out of all the symptoms, teeth grinding or bruxism is one of the most significant dental health problems. Prolonged grinding will wear the enamel off of teeth and expose the dentin. Dentin is softer, and thus more susceptible to decay and bacteria. Sleep Apnea and chronic pain are serious conditions that are also be caused by TMD.

For relieving your pain symptoms, talk to our staff to determine a treatment plan that’s best for you. Pain relievers and hot/cold compresses are good short term methods. A night guard can be worn during sleep to stop bruxism. In very rare cases surgery may be required for TMD.

If you have any questions or concerns about TMJ/TMD or are interested in other aspects of our services, feel free to contact All Coast Dental today. Located in Pacific Beach, CA, schedule an appointment with Dr. Julie Boulos, D.D.S. or Dr. Joseph Boulos, D.D.S. Visit our website to schedule online, or call 858-270-4904.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Bacteria Prevention Tips

Our team here at All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach have a few tips to make your February perfect this year. Drs. Julie Boulos, D.D.S. and Joseph Boulos, D.D.S. believes that healthy mouth, gums, and teeth will help make every day a special one.

  1. Sharing a straw over a milkshake made for two might seem harmless, but in reality, is a great way to share bacteria. Saliva contains bacteria that can cause cavities. All forms of germs can be transferred through saliva too. Make sure your romantic partner doesn’t have a stuffy nose, or you might be next! Brushing twice a day for at least two minutes will help keep any and all bacteria away.

  2. Worried about your breath? Don’t be! Invest in some mouthwash in order to stay fresh. Bacteria is the biggest culprit of bad breath. Over-the-counter antimicrobial mouthwash or sugarless chewing gum should do the trick.

  3. If you’re staying over at someone’s place, always remember to bring your own toothbrush. If your significant other doesn’t have a spare, they can be bought relatively cheap at most stores. Sharing toothbrushes is a sure fire way to also share germs.

  4. If you’re worried your smile’s not up to par, contact our team at All Coast Dental to talk about teeth whitening. Drs. Boulos use what is referred to as a tray whitening system. There are two steps to this process. First, an impression of your teeth is taken. With this mold, custom reusable whitening trays are created for you. At home, place whitening gel into your trays and place on the teeth for a short period of time. Results will begin to appear over the following days. Don’t be afraid to show off that smile!

  5. Show your teeth some love and quit smoking. Not only is it bad for your breath and your teeth, but it’s terrible for your overall health. Smokers are more at risk for oral cancer and gum disease.

The best holiday actually comes twice a year: your bi-annual dental appointment! Visit All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach, CA, or call us today at 858-270-4904 to set up an appointment with Drs. Julie Boulos, D.D.S., and Joseph Boulos, D.D.S. You can also make an appointment on our website,

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Smoking and Dental Pulp

Toothaches are often caused by problems in dental pulp. We at All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach are happy to assist patients and would rather save a tooth by performing a root canal then extract and replace it. But there are certain circumstances in which the internal health of a tooth may be compromised, and new research indicates that one of those circumstances is if the patient smokes.

Dental pulp inflammation (pulpitis) occurs when a tooth is injured or infected. The inflammatory response is triggered by the immune system as a means of limiting the spread of infection, concentrating white blood cells, and making cell membranes more permeable to antimicrobial peptides. An antimicrobial peptide is a molecule that latches onto and kills disease-causing bacteria, including the ones that secrete acid in the mouth. But smoking makes the immune system less effective. It was long-established in medical literature that smokers have high rates of gum disease, and now it appears that their dental pulp also lacks antimicrobial peptides.

Root canals are generally successful at removing infected dental pulp, but smokers’ suppressed immune systems make it easier for infections to return. We’ll use antibacterial treatments to increase a root canal’s likelihood of success, but we also want to share with patients that the study found antimicrobial peptides sometimes return when a patient stops smoking.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.


Thursday, February 7, 2019

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a great way to restore your teeth to their natural color. At All Coast Dental, we use a two-step tray whitening system to whiten your teeth.

Over time, teeth can stain even if you are practicing good oral care. To help prevent teeth discoloration, we encourage our patients to avoid drinking coffee, wine, and soda, which can stain your teeth. Patients who use tobacco have a greater chance of experiencing teeth discoloration and more serious health problems.

To whiten your teeth, our dentists make an impression of your teeth into whitening trays that can be re-used. After the whitening trays are made, you will put a whitening gel inside the tray that is worn for a couple of days in increments of a few hours. After the process is complete, you can see your teeth become 4-8 shades whiter!

Our dentists advise patients to follow a healthy diet to keep your teeth healthy. When you practice good consistent oral hygiene, your teeth are whiter and healthier.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors please call us at 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

How to Brush a Toddler's Teeth

With National Children's Dental Health Month approaching in February, All Coast Dental wants to remind you about the importance of brushing your toddler’s baby teeth. Baby teeth act as placeholders for adult teeth, and if they are not cleaned properly decay forms and your toddler will have trouble chewing and speaking properly.

The toothbrush you use should have a soft brush and a small head. Using only water, brush the inside and outside of their teeth and gums in gentle circles and the surface of the teeth. We encourage our patients to brush their toddler’s teeth twice a day to prevent plaque buildup. Once your child turns three, you should begin to add fluoride toothpaste.

Don’t forget to change your toddler’s toothbrush every three to four months to avoid bacteria and germs. If your toddler was sick with a cold or flu, we advise our patients to change the toothbrush to prevent the virus from reinfection.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors please call us at 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Bite Checks

We provide comfortable, comprehensive care to patients of all ages at All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach. Regular pediatric check-ups aren’t just a chance to provide a professional cleaning and sealants; they’re also a chance to do a bite check. This part of the examination helps us to determine whether a child will need orthodontic work.

Malocclusions, or dental misalignments, are often related to issues such as temporomandibular joint disorder and bruxism. If someone clenches or grinds their teeth in their sleep, they may not be aware of it. But dental hygienists are trained to look for distinctive signs of erosion in enamel that could indicate bruxism, and they’ll ask children whether they’ve experienced soreness in their jaws or necks. In addition to using x-rays to inspect children’s bites, we’ll ask them to demonstrate how they close their teeth together.

A child’s first orthodontic assessment may take place when they are about seven years old, but orthodontic therapy doesn’t usually start until a few years later. By that time, more permanent teeth will have grown in and the jaw bones will be more solidified. If bruxism is a problem, it may be relievable with custom-fitted night guards that can be professionally adjusted as a child grows and their teeth change positions.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.


Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Water Flossing with Orthodontics

A little floss goes a long way when it comes to oral health. Flossing is an important step to remove food particles that have been left behind after brushing. Flossing can significantly reduce periodontal disease and cavity-causing causing bacteria that leads to tooth decay but sometimes the act of flossing is difficult for a patient with orthodontics. Doctors at All Coast Dental may suggest using a water flosser for those hard to reach places!

A safe, easy, and effective way to remove plaque around dental braces is to use a water flosser. A water flosser is a handheld device that sprays streams of water in steady pulses. Not only is this beneficial to patients with traditional braces, water flossers are also an option for people who have trouble flossing by hand. You should never get by on flossing alone. It’s important to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day to reap the maximum benefits of a healthy mouth.

To learn more about oral health and all the services we offer, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach, CA, call 858-270-4904.  

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

A Whiter Smile This Year!

Everyone likes to make a great impression with a nice bright smile.  All Coast Dental provides an at-home whitening system to patients that you can use to whiten and brighten your smile gradually at home.  Patients with serious and minor stains can both see great results from this whitening treatment.  A consultation can help you determine how severe your stains are and what kind of results you can expect from a whitening treatment.  Come visit us about teeth whitening and start the New Year with your best smile!

To whiten your teeth at home, we outfit patients with whitening gel and a set of custom trays for application.  A dentist takes an impression of your teeth, and from this impression two custom trays are made for your top and bottom teeth.  The trays are made for you to take home and use by applying gel to the trays and then fitting them over your teeth. The dentist’s recommendation of how often to treat and how long each treatment should last may vary.  When following the dentist’s recommendations, most patients see results of teeth whitening 4-8 shades.

To learn more about teeth whitening and all the services provided at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach, CA, call 858-270-4904.