All Coast Dental

Thursday, June 25, 2020

How are Gap Teeth Treated?

People commonly seek treatment for gaps between their upper front teeth. Often, the gap is closed with orthodontics during childhood, sparing the patient from having to whistle while they speak. But sometimes gaps, or diastema, can recur or there may be situations in which orthodontic work is not ideal. We at All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach want our patients to know we can help them with cosmetic and bite problems, but the treatment strategy will depend on the gap’s cause.

Orthodontic work is done in late childhood after most of the patient’s adult teeth have erupted, but before their skull bones completely solidify. That means it is easier to guide teeth into different positions if the patient incurred a gap by sucking their thumb or pushing their teeth with their togue. It may not be too late for adults to get orthodontics, but they will need to see an ear, nose, and throat specialist if they are involuntarily thrusting their tongue forward when they swallow. Children who suck their thumbs can also sometimes benefit from psychological counseling to find healthier ways to self-soothe.

Occasionally, a gap might be caused by a person having a high labial frenulum. This means that the vertical strip of flesh connecting the inside of their upper lip to their upper jaw is interfering with the teeth coming together. If that’s the case, the frenulum might be surgically reduced when orthodontic work is nearly finished. It’s also possible for the teeth to shift positions somewhat after orthodontic work, particularly if other teeth have been removed. This is why it’s important to wear a retainer, and why our office will work with patients to replace missing teeth as quickly as possible.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Inlays and Onlays

All Coast Dental in Pacific, CA, is committed to making sure you have a smile that you can be proud of, which is why we offer cosmetic dentistry services to help rebuild your smile. Dental inlays are used to replace a small portion of a tooth that is missing, which is similar to how fillings are used, only now inlays are made of tooth-colored ceramic or porcelain instead of gold. Inlays fit inside the tooth and undergo a bonding process that improves the overall strength of the tooth. Like inlays, dental onlays also fit inside the tooth except they extend to the chewing surface at the back of the tooth to replace a missing cusp. Onlays were also made of gold, undergoing a similar bonding process.

The procedure begins by removing the decayed material from the tooth. A mold is then taken and sent to the lab to create the inlay or onlay. It takes about two to three weeks for the inlay or onlay to be made, so in the meantime, a temporary inlay or onlay is placed on the tooth. When the process of making the inlay or outlay is completed, it is set on the tooth with cement.

Prevention is the best way to avoid sitting under the drill. Regular flossing and brushing will decrease the chances of needing these procedures done since cavities and tooth decay are at the root of these issues. 

Do you think you can benefit from inlays or onlays? We would be happy to address any questions or concerns you may have. All Coast Dental is located at 2180 Garnet Ave., Suite 1-K, in Pacific, CA 92109. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 858-270-4904.