All Coast Dental

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Oral Care Habits and Bad Breath

The mouth is filled with good and bad bacteria. If the mouth is unclean, the bad kind will grow in excess, and potentially lead to gum disease and bad breath. It’s important to maintain adequate oral care to prevent such conditions. It’s one thing to have bad breath when waking up in the morning, but if it becomes persistent and begins to affect your everyday life, schedule an appointment with our doctors at All Coast Dental.

When foods are digested, the oils from these foods wander their way into the bloodstream, are carried through the lungs, and released through the breath. Changing your dietary habits can reduce bad breath but the food isn’t the only culprit. Other causes of bad breath, aside from lack of oral care include dry mouth, tobacco products, and chronic diseases such as diabetes. Regardless of what’s causing your bad breath, it’s best to get the condition under control before it gets worse.  

If you have questions or concerns regarding bad breath, please give us a call. To learn about services provided at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach, CA, call 858-270-4904.  

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