All Coast Dental

Friday, January 31, 2020

Gum Disease and Heart Disease

Your oral health is vital to your whole body. You probably knew that if you don’t brush your teeth, you’re much likelier to develop gum infections. But did you know that gum disease has also been linked to heart disease? At All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach, we frequently provide deep cleanings and periodontal therapy to people at risk for heart failure, and we want them to understand why preventive care is so vital.

There are many studies showing that people with gum disease are likelier to have hypertension. Children with dental infections are also likelier to develop thickened arteries, and people who have lost teeth to infections are at greater risk for chest pains, heart attacks, and strokes. Although gum disease and heart disease share some common risk factors, such as smoking, there may also be a causal relationship. Gum disease is caused by oral bacteria secreting acid as a waste product. Inflammation is an immune system response to bacterial infection, and if oral bacteria are able to spread to other parts of the body through gum lesions, they may trigger inflammation in the circulatory system.

It is too soon to say that improved oral hygiene decreases a person’s existing risk for cardiovascular disease, but it certainly lowers their risk for gum inflammation. During deep cleanings, we remove bacterial build-up from the gum pockets, where patients can’t reach on their own. We also examine their x-rays to determine whether they have active infections deeper in their gum tissue, allowing us to intervene early.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.



Thursday, January 30, 2020

Diet and Enamel Erosion

Although everybody should brush and floss twice a day, some foods pose a greater risk to oral health than others. At All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach, we frequently repair decayed and eroded teeth, providing patients with crowns and veneers that are beautiful and dependable. But prosthetic teeth need to be cared for just like natural teeth, so we thought it would be a good idea to detail how diet contributes to tooth decay.

Tooth decay is caused by the acid oral bacteria produce as they metabolize sugar. Most decay-causing bacteria eat debris left over from our own food, with simple sugars being easier for them to metabolize. They have longer to feed on debris caught between teeth, so sticky food allows them to produce more acid. But there are also substances, including citric juice and soda, that are acidic in their own right and erode teeth directly. Citric juice is commonly used as a sour flavoring in candy and energy gel, so patients need to make sure they drink water to rinse it off quickly.

Some foods are likelier to trigger a different source of acid. Red meat, caffeine, alcohol, garlic, and onions may contribute to acid reflux. When this happens, acid rises from the stomach and enters the oral cavity, eroding the back teeth. Sealants can help protect teeth from acid reflux, but patients who suffer from it frequently may need to change their diets and use toothpaste for people with sensitive teeth.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.


TMD and Autoimmune Diseases

All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach is proud to provide for the general dental needs for all kinds of patients. One problem with implications for patients’ dental stability, sensitivity, and function is temporomandibular joint disorder. Also known as TMD, temporomandibular joint disorder is especially common in people who suffer from autoimmune disorders such as rheumatism and lupus, and compounds their other oral health problems.

The temporomandibular joints are what connect the lower jaw to the head. They are complex joints, able to move in all directions, and we need them to be able to speak and chew correctly. When people clench their jaw, their teeth may be ground down and pushed out of place. The loss of enamel would leave their teeth less protected from heat and decay, and their jaw would be sore.

When a person has an autoimmune disease, their own immune system attacks their body. In people with rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, the immune system is attacking the lining of the temporomandibular joints, triggering inflammation. A rheumatologist can provide assistance by prescribing anti-inflammatory medications, but our dental office can also shield the teeth from grinding. We’ll fit the patient for a night guard, which is an oral appliance worn in the mouth at night to hold the jaw in place and prevent the teeth from rubbing together. We can also teach stretching exercises that will loosen the jaw, and provide prosthetic replacements for damaged teeth.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, call 858-270-4904 or visit All Coast Dental and fill out a contact sheet.


Thursday, January 9, 2020

Do You Have Periodontal Disease?

Did you know that it’s abnormal for your gums to bleed while brushing your teeth? Your hands shouldn’t bleed when you wash them, but many people seem to think that bleeding from the gums is normal. In actuality, this is a sign of an underlying issue. We at All Coast Dental dedicate our time and expertise to educating our patients about good oral health. Your Pacific, CA dentist will help you achieve that smile you’ve been longing for.

If your gums are swollen and bleeding, these are signs of the beginning stages of periodontal disease known as gingivitis. The gums have been infected with bacteria-infested plaque, which is usually caused by poor dental hygiene or pre-existing conditions. Periodontitis is the advanced stage of the disease, where the teeth can actually be loosened and fall out.

Factors that increase your risk of periodontal disease include:

- Chronic stress

- Certain medications such as antidepressants, diuretics, high blood pressure meds, seizure-controlling meds, and calcium blockers

- Poor nutrition

- Fluctuating hormones

- Diseases such as diabetes, leukemia, inflammatory bowel disease, and HIV

- Teeth grinding

- Crooked or crowded teeth

- Tobacco use

- Genetics

Do you have bleeding gums? Come in for a visit so we can check your mouth and begin you on a treatment plan. All Coast Dental is located at 2180 Garnet Ave., Suite 1-K, in Pacific, CA 92109. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 858-270-4904.


Thursday, January 2, 2020

Bondings and Fillings

Chipping or breaking a tooth can be very painful. It can also leave the tooth misshapen or with a sharpened edge that could hurt the inside of your mouth. Dental bonding and fillings assist in rebuilding the affected tooth with special materials. We at All Coast Dental are proud to offer both of these procedures to our patients. We are committed to helping fix your smile when unexpected chips and breaks occur!


Dental bonding restores the natural shape of your tooth by using composite resin matched to your specific tooth color. In cases of accidental damage or minor decay, it is an inexpensive way to restore the look of the tooth to its normal healthy self. Dental bonding can also be used for protecting the roots of your teeth. Receding gums exposing the tooth root allow bacteria in easily, making them more susceptible to infection.


Dental fillings focus more on restorative efforts rather than cosmetic ones since they are stronger and more durable than dental bonding. This method also has a low cost, but is the better option over dental bonding in the long run. Whereas dental bonding fixes the outside of the tooth, dental fillings fix the inside of a tooth damaged from decay or breakage. For back teeth, it’s better to use metal fillings so that it can better withstand the force of chewing. 


All Coast Dental is located at 2180 Garnet Ave., Suite 1-K, in Pacific, CA 92109. For more information about bonding and fillings or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 858-270-4904.