All Coast Dental

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

New Year, New Smile

It’s time for 2017 to come to an end and it’s time to ring in 2018 with a new perspective. We tend to set goals and resolutions around this time of the year, but have a hard time putting them into play when New Year comes. If you’re looking for a goal to commit to, our doctors at All Coast Dental suggest putting the focus on your oral health. It’s a new year, so give you a new smile.

Our doctors at All Coast Dental can assist with all of your oral health needs. Whether you desire to whiten your teeth, enhance their appearance through cosmetic procedures, or wish to straighten them through orthodontic treatment. We always welcome new patients and do our best to answer any questions you may have. If you wish to discuss your smile goals, schedule a consultation as soon as possible.

If you have questions or concerns regarding dental health, please give us a call. To learn about services provided at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach, CA, call 858-270-4904.  

Friday, December 15, 2017

Diabetes and Implants

We at All Coast Dental in Pacific Beach understand that our patients may have conditions which complicate their oral health. One of the most common of these is diabetes, which puts patients at higher risk for developing gingivitis and periodontitis. Many of our diabetic patients worry that they need or may need prosthetic teeth, but are uncertain whether they can receive implants.

This question has been subject to many studies, but a consensus is emerging that diabetic patients are often good implant candidates. It is true that placement of implants requires surgical incisions and people with uncontrolled diabetes take longer to recover from wounds. Another complicating factor is that people with diabetes often suffer from chronic inflammation, and inflammation is thought to be a warning sign of a failing implant. However, reviews of the medical literature undertaken by the American Dental Association found people with uncontrolled diabetes have comparable rates of implant failure to non-diabetic and patients with controlled diabetes, and that the failure rates are very low. Patients receiving implants do require more careful monitoring while recovering from the incisions, which is a factor to consider, but diabetic patients need not worry that fixed prosthetic teeth are off-limits to them.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, call 858-270-4904 or visit and fill out a contact sheet.


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Tooth Decay in Seniors

At All Coast Dental, we put particular emphasis on oral care for seniors. Children are the demographic cavities most commonly occur in, but seniors are the second-most vulnerable. According to the most recent information from the Centers for Disease Control, one in five seniors had untreated tooth decay, making this a vital issue for seniors’ comfort and health.

Members of older generations usually did not have access to fluoridated water while their teeth were developing, making them particularly vulnerable to tooth decay (also known as dental lesions or caries). However, cavities commonly develop in seniors who previously had good oral health, implying that something changed which made their oral hygiene more difficult. There are a number of possible causes: poor dexterity, forgetfulness, change in diet to foods that are stickier or likelier to get caught between the teeth, and loss of dental care coverage, for example. Seniors also are commonly on medications with side effects that put them at higher risk for tooth decay. Dry mouth is a common side effect of cancer medications which makes it more difficult for the body to remove food debris and keep bacteria growth under control.

Seniors benefit from using toothpaste with extra fluoridation and throat moistening products. We can also introduce them to products appropriate for their specific needs while carrying out regular cleanings.

Drs. Julie and Joseph Boulos operate All Coast Dental at 2180 Garnet Ave, Suite 1-K, Pacific Beach, California, 92109. To schedule an appointment, call 858-270-4904 or visit and fill out a contact sheet.